- add hack to include bin packages too

- ignore rts and ffi from ghc too
Jens Petersen 15 years ago
parent 9d4f5cb613
commit 495747b710

@ -9,13 +9,22 @@ mkdir -p .pkg-deps
cd .pkg-deps
ghc-pkg dot --global > pkgs.dot
# remove the closing line
ghc-pkg dot --global | sed '$d' > pkgs.dot
cp -p pkgs.dot pkgs.dot.orig
# check for binary deps too
for i in alex cabal-install cpphs darcs happy hedgewars hscolour kaya xmonad; do
PKG=`rpm -q --qf "%{name}-%{version}" $i` || echo $i is not installed
rpm -q --requires $i | grep ghc6 | sed -e "s/libHS/\"$PKG\" -> \"/g" -e "s/-ghc6.*/\"/" >> pkgs.dot
# and add it back
echo "}" >> pkgs.dot
GHC_PKGS="array base-4 base-3 bin-package-db bytestring Cabal containers directory dph extensible-exceptions filepath ghc-6.12 ghc-binary ghc-prim haskell98 hpc integer-gmp old-locale old-time pretty process random syb template-haskell time unix utf8-string-0.3.4 Win32"
cp -p pkgs.dot pkgs.dot.orig
# ignore library packages provided by ghc
GHC_PKGS="array base-4 base-3 bin-package-db bytestring Cabal containers directory dph extensible-exceptions filepath ffi ghc-6.12 ghc-binary ghc-prim haskell98 hpc integer-gmp old-locale old-time pretty process random rts syb template-haskell time unix utf8-string-0.3.4 Win32"
for i in $GHC_PKGS; do sed -i -e /$i/d pkgs.dot; done
cat pkgs.dot | tred | dot -Nfontsize=8 -Tsvg >pkgs.svg
