# RPM Macros for packaging Haskell packages with multiple libs -*-rpm-spec-*- # ghc_lib_subpackage [-c cdepslist] [-l licensetag] [-x] [name] [version] %ghc_lib_subpackage(c:l:x)\ %define pkgname %{?1}%{!?1:%{pkg_name}}\ %define pkgver %{?2}%{!?2:%{version}}\ %{!-x:%{?1:%global ghc_packages_list %{?ghc_packages_list} %{pkgname}-%{pkgver}}}\ %define ghc_prefix %{?ghc_name}%{!?ghc_name:ghc}\ %define basepkg %{ghc_prefix}-%{pkgname}\ %package -n %{basepkg}\ Summary: Haskell %{pkgname} library\ %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7\ Group: System/Libraries\ %endif\ %{?1:Version: %{pkgver}}\ %{-l:License: %{-l*}}\ Url: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkgname}\ %{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %(echo "%{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}" | sed -e "s/\\(%{ghc_prefix}-[^, ]*\\)-devel/\\1/g")}\ \ %description -n %{basepkg}\ This package provides the Haskell %{pkgname} library.\ \ %package -n %{basepkg}-devel\ Summary: Haskell %{pkgname} library development files\ %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7\ Group: Development/Languages/Other\ %endif\ %{?1:Version: %{pkgver}}\ %{-l:License: %{-l*}}\ Requires(post): %{ghc_prefix}-compiler = %{ghc_version}\ Requires(postun): %{ghc_prefix}-compiler = %{ghc_version}\ Requires: %{ghc_prefix}-%{pkgname}%{?_isa} = %{pkgver}-%{release}\ %{?ghc_pkg_c_deps:Requires: %{ghc_pkg_c_deps}}\ %{-c:Requires: %{-c*}}\ %{?ghc_pkg_obsoletes:Obsoletes: %{ghc_pkg_obsoletes}}\ \ %description -n %{basepkg}-devel\ This package provides the Haskell %{pkgname} library development files.\ \ %post -n %{basepkg}-devel\ %ghc_pkg_recache\ \ %postun -n %{basepkg}-devel\ %ghc_pkg_recache\ \ %files -n %{basepkg} -f %{basepkg}.files\ %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7\ %defattr(-,root,root,-)\ %endif\ %{?base_doc_files:%doc %base_doc_files}\ \ %files -n %{basepkg}-devel -f %{basepkg}-devel.files\ %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7\ %defattr(-,root,root,-)\ %endif\ %{?devel_doc_files:%doc %devel_doc_files}\ %{nil} # ghc_sublib_build [name-version] ... %ghc_sublib_build()\ HOME=$PWD\ %define cabal_configure_options --user\ for i in %*; do\ name=$(echo $i | sed -e "s/\\(.*\\)-.*/\\1/")\ ver=$(echo $i | sed -e "s/.*-\\(.*\\)/\\1/")\ cd $name-$ver\ case $name in\ haskell-platform)\ %ghc_lib_build_without_haddock $name $ver\ ;;\ *)\ %ghc_lib_build $name $ver\ ./Setup register --inplace\ ;;\ esac\ cd ..\ done\ %{nil} # ghc_sublib_install [name-version] ... %ghc_sublib_install()\ HOME=$PWD\ for i in %*; do\ name=$(echo $i | sed -e "s/\\(.*\\)-.*/\\1/")\ ver=$(echo $i | sed -e "s/.*-\\(.*\\)/\\1/")\ cd $name-$ver\ %ghc_lib_install $name $ver\ echo "%%license $name-$ver/LICENSE" >> ghc-$name.files\ rm %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/ghc-$name/LICENSE\ mv *.files ..\ cd ..\ done\ %{nil}