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12 lines
474 B

--- a/ 2021-05-10 17:21:57.000000000 +0600
+++ b/ 2024-02-07 14:16:55.319613995 +0600
@@ -48,8 +48,6 @@
tests_require.append('mock >= 1.0.1, < 4')
extras_require = {
- ':python_version < "3.5"': ['backports.ssl_match_hostname >= 3.5, < 4'],
- ':python_version < "3.8"': ['cached-property >= 1.2.0, < 2'],
':sys_platform == "win32"': ['colorama >= 0.4, < 1'],
'socks': ['PySocks >= 1.5.6, != 1.5.7, < 2'],
'tests': tests_require,