ItemDataSettings 0 0 430 321 0 1 Select formats to save in history. You can add a format from examples below or type in other (one per line). true Active &Formats: plainTextEditFormats &Examples (double click to add to active formats): true treeWidgetFormats QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers false 1 Text Unformatted simple text text/plain Formatted text, web pages text/html text/richtext XML text/xml List of URI (e.g. copied files, URLs) text/uri-list Images Bitmap image text/bmp Vector graphics image/svg+xml image/x-inkscape-svg-compressed Web image formats image/png image/jpeg image/gif Other image/epx image/ico image/jp2 image/jpx image/tiff image/pcx image/ppm image/rgb image/rgba image/tga image/x-targa image/x-tga image/xpm image/xbm List of clipboard mime types that will be stored in history (in given display order) true QPlainTextEdit::NoWrap &Maximum number of characters per format to display: spinBoxMaxChars 4096 Qt::Horizontal 40 20