#!/bin/bash # Build with Travis CI. set -e -x version=$(git describe --match='v*') root=$PWD mkdir -p build cd build qt_bin="/usr/local/opt/qt5/bin" "$qt_bin/qmake" \ CONFIG+=release \ CONFIG+=tests \ DEFINES+=COPYQ_VERSION=\\\\\\\"\"$version\\\\\\\"\" \ .. make make package_plugins make package_translations make package_themes # Create "CopyQ.app/" "$qt_bin/macdeployqt" CopyQ.app -verbose=2 -always-overwrite executable="CopyQ.app/Contents/MacOS/copyq" # Fix paths for included Qt libraries. git clone https://github.com/iltommi/macdeployqtfix.git python macdeployqtfix/macdeployqtfix.py "$executable" /usr/local/Cellar/qt5 # Test the app before deployment. "$executable" --help "$executable" --version "$executable" --info # Run tests. # FIXME: Disabled due to Travis CI ofter randomly failing on GUI and clipboard tests. #"$executable" tests # Create "CopyQ.dmg". "$qt_bin/macdeployqt" CopyQ.app -verbose=2 -dmg -no-plugins cd "$root"