#!/bin/bash set -e rm -f /tmp/pyxis*.json TOTAL=`curl -s --negotiate -u: -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -X GET "https://pyxis.engineering.redhat.com/v1/repositories?page_size=1" | jq .total` if [ "$TOTAL" == "null" ]; then echo "Error comunicating with Pyxis API." exit 1 fi PAGES=$(($TOTAL/250)) for P in `seq 0 $PAGES`; do curl -s --negotiate -u: -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -X GET "https://pyxis.engineering.redhat.com/v1/repositories?page_size=500&page=$P" > /tmp/pyxis$P.json done cat /tmp/pyxis*.json > /tmp/pyx.json rm -f /tmp/pyx_debug rm -f /tmp/rhel-shortnames.conf jq '.data[]|.published,.requires_terms,.repository,.registry,.release_categories[0]' < /tmp/pyx.json >/tmp/pyx readarray -t lines < /tmp/pyx IDX=0 while [ $IDX -lt ${#lines[@]} ]; do PUBLISHED=${lines[$IDX]} REQ_TERMS=${lines[$IDX+1]} REPOSITORY=`echo ${lines[$IDX+2]} | tr -d '"'` REGISTRY=`echo ${lines[$IDX+3]} | tr -d '"'` RELEASE=`echo ${lines[$IDX+4]} | tr -d '"'` if [ "$PUBLISHED" == "true" ] && [ "$RELEASE" == "Generally Available" ] && [ ! -z "$REPOSITORY" ] && [ "$REPOSITORY" != \"\" ] && [[ $REPOSITORY != *[@:]* ]] && [[ $REPOSITORY != *[* ]] && [[ $REGISTRY == *.* ]] && [ "$REGISTRY" != "non_registry" ]; then echo "\"$REPOSITORY\" = \"$REGISTRY/$REPOSITORY\"" echo $PUBLISHED,$REQ_TERMS,$REPOSITORY,$REGISTRY,$RELEASE >> /tmp/pyx_debug echo "\"$REPOSITORY\" = \"$REGISTRY/$REPOSITORY\"" >> /tmp/rhel-shortnames.conf fi IDX=$(($IDX+5)) done cp /tmp/rhel-shortnames.conf /tmp/r.conf for D in `cut -d\ -f1 /tmp/r.conf | sort | uniq -d`; do echo $D M=`grep ^$D /tmp/r.conf | grep 'redhat.com' | tail -n1` [ -z "$M" ] && M=`grep ^$D /tmp/r.conf | tail -n1` echo $M if [ ! -z "$M" ]; then echo "replacing $D with $M" grep -v "^$D.*" /tmp/r.conf > /tmp/r2.conf echo "$M" >> /tmp/r2.conf mv /tmp/r2.conf /tmp/r.conf fi done sed -i '/.*rhel.*-els\/.*$/d' /tmp/r.conf echo "[aliases]" > 001-rhel-shortnames-pyxis.conf sort /tmp/r.conf >> 001-rhel-shortnames-pyxis.conf