**Before doing anything, please read [Leapp framework documentation](https://leapp.readthedocs.io/).** --- ## Troubleshooting ### Where can I report an issue or RFE related to the framework or other actors? - GitHub issues are preferred: - Leapp framework: [https://github.com/oamg/leapp/issues/new/choose](https://github.com/oamg/leapp/issues/new/choose) - Leapp actors: [https://github.com/oamg/leapp-repository/issues/new/choose](https://github.com/oamg/leapp-repository/issues/new/choose) - When filing an issue, include: - Steps to reproduce the issue - *All files in /var/log/leapp* - */var/lib/leapp/leapp.db* - *journalctl* - If you want, you can optionally send anything else would you like to provide (e.g. storage info) **For your convenience you can pack all logs with this command:** `# tar -czf leapp-logs.tgz /var/log/leapp /var/lib/leapp/leapp.db` Then you may attach only the `leapp-logs.tgz` file. ### Where can I seek help? We’ll gladly answer your questions and lead you to through any troubles with the actor development. You can reach us at IRC: `#leapp` on Libera.Chat.