name: Unit Tests on: push: branches: - master pull_request: branches: - master jobs: test: name: Run unit tests in containers runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: scenarios: - name: Run unit tests for el8toel9 and common repositories on python 3.9 python: python3.9 repos: 'el8toel9,common' container: ubi8 - name: Run unit tests for el7toel8 and common repositories on python 3.6 python: python3.6 repos: 'el7toel8,common' container: ubi8 - name: Run unit tests for el8toel9 and common repositories on python 3.6 python: python3.6 repos: 'el8toel9,common' container: ubi8 - name: Run unit tests for el7toel8 and common repositories on python 2.7 python: python2.7 repos: 'el7toel8,common' container: ubi7 steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: # NOTE(ivasilev) fetch-depth 0 is critical here as leapp deps discovery depends on specific substring in # commit message and default 1 option will get us just merge commit which has an unrelevant message. fetch-depth: '0' # NOTE(ivasilev) master -> origin/master is used for leapp deps discovery in Makefile via git log master..HEAD - name: Set master to origin/master if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/master' run: | git branch -f master origin/master - name: ${{}} run: script -e -c /bin/bash -c 'TERM=xterm podman build --security-opt=seccomp=unconfined -t leapp-tests -f utils/container-tests/Containerfile.${{matrix.scenarios.container}} utils/container-tests && PYTHON_VENV=${{matrix.scenarios.python}} REPOSITORIES=${{matrix.scenarios.repos}} podman run --security-opt=seccomp=unconfined --rm -ti -v ${PWD}:/payload --env=PYTHON_VENV --env=REPOSITORIES leapp-tests'