#!/bin/bash # Decrypt private SSH key ENCRYPTED_FILE=.travis/githubio-data-idrsa DECRYPTED_FILE=${ENCRYPTED_FILE}-dec openssl aes-256-cbc -K $aes_encryption_key -iv $aes_encryption_iv -in $ENCRYPTED_FILE -out $DECRYPTED_FILE -d # Setup SSH agent with decrypted private SSH key eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" chmod 0600 $DECRYPTED_FILE ssh-add $DECRYPTED_FILE # Clone githubio-data repository git clone --depth 1 --branch master git@github.com:oamg/githubio-data cd githubio-data # Setting username and email for committer git config user.name "Leapp Build Automation" git config user.email "leapp+build+automation@not-for-real.leapp" # Update data mv -f ../discover.json files/discover.json # Stage and commit git add files/discover.json git commit -s -m "Leapp dashboard discover for ${TRAVIS_COMMIT}" --allow-empty # Push changes git push origin master