import datetime import json import os import sys from functools import wraps from itertools import chain from leapp import FULL_VERSION from import _call from leapp.utils.audit import get_messages try: from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports except ImportError: JSONDecodeError = ValueError def runs_in_container(): """ Check if the current process is running inside a container :return: True if the process is running inside a container, False otherwise """ return os.path.exists('/run/host/container-manager') def _flattened(d): """ Flatten nested dicts and lists into a single dict """ def expand(key, value): if isinstance(value, dict): return [(key + '.' + k, v) for k, v in _flattened(value).items()] if isinstance(value, list): return chain(*[expand(key + '.' + str(i), v) for i, v in enumerate(value)]) return [(key, value)] items = [item for k, v in d.items() for item in expand(k, v)] return dict(items) class _BreadCrumbs(object): def __init__(self, activity): self._crumbs = { 'activity': activity, 'packages': self._get_packages(), 'leapp_file_changes': [], 'executed': ' '.join([v if ' ' not in v else '"{}"'.format(v) for v in sys.argv]), 'success': True, 'activity_started': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z', 'activity_ended': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z', 'source_os': '', 'target_os': '', 'env': dict(), 'run_id': '', 'version': FULL_VERSION, } def fail(self): self._crumbs['success'] = False def _save_rhsm_facts(self, activities): if not os.path.isdir('/etc/rhsm/facts'): if not os.path.exists('/etc/rhsm'): # If there's no /etc/rhsm folder just skip it return os.mkdir('/etc/rhsm/facts') try: with open('/etc/rhsm/facts/leapp.facts', 'w') as f: json.dump(_flattened({ 'leapp': [ activity for activity in activities if activity.get('activity', '') in ('preupgrade', 'upgrade')] }), f, indent=4) self._commit_rhsm_facts() except OSError: # We don't care about failing to 'create' the file here # even though it shouldn't though, just ignore it pass def _commit_rhsm_facts(self): if runs_in_container(): return cmd = ['/usr/sbin/subscription-manager', 'facts', '--update'] try: _call(cmd, lambda x, y: None, lambda x, y: None) except (OSError, ValueError, TypeError): # We don't care about errors here, just ignore them pass def save(self): self._crumbs['run_id'] = os.environ.get('LEAPP_EXECUTION_ID', 'N/A') self._crumbs['leapp_file_changes'].extend(self._verify_leapp_pkgs()) messages = get_messages(('IPUConfig',), self._crumbs['run_id']) versions = json.loads((messages or [{}])[0].get('message', {}).get( 'data', '{}')).get('version', {'target': 'N/A', 'source': 'N/A'}) self._crumbs['target_os'] = 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux {target}'.format(**versions) self._crumbs['source_os'] = 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux {source}'.format(**versions) self._crumbs['activity_ended'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' self._crumbs['env'] = {k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith('LEAPP_')} try: with open('/etc/migration-results', 'a+') as crumbs: doc = {'activities': []} try: content = json.load(crumbs) if isinstance(content, dict): if isinstance(content.get('activities', None), list): doc = content except JSONDecodeError: # Expected to happen when /etc/migration-results is still empty or does not yet exist pass doc['activities'].append(self._crumbs) crumbs.truncate() json.dump(doc, crumbs, indent=2, sort_keys=True) crumbs.write('\n') if os.environ.get('LEAPP_NO_RHSM_FACTS', '0') != '1': self._save_rhsm_facts(doc['activities']) except OSError: sys.stderr.write('WARNING: Could not write to /etc/migration-results\n') def _get_packages(self): cmd = ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'rpm -qa --queryformat="%{nevra} %{SIGPGP:pgpsig}\n" | grep -Ee "leapp|snactor"'] res = _call(cmd, lambda x, y: None, lambda x, y: None) if res.get('exit_code', None) == 0: if res.get('stdout', None): return [{'nevra': t[0], 'signature': t[1]} for t in [line.strip().split(' ', 1) for line in res['stdout'].split('\n') if line.strip()]] return [] def _verify_leapp_pkgs(self): if not os.environ.get('LEAPP_IPU_IN_PROGRESS'): return [] upg_path = os.environ.get('LEAPP_IPU_IN_PROGRESS').split('to') cmd = ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'rpm -V leapp leapp-upgrade-el{}toel{}'.format(upg_path[0], upg_path[1])] res = _call(cmd, lambda x, y: None, lambda x, y: None) if res.get('exit_code', None) == 1: if res.get('stdout', None): return [{'result': t[0], 'file_name': t[1]} for t in [line.strip().split(' ', 1) for line in res['stdout'].split('\n') if line.strip()]] return [] def produces_breadcrumbs(f): """ Ensures that `/etc/migration-results` gets produced on every invocation of `leapp upgrade` & `leapp preupgrade` Every execution of the upgrade will have their own entry in the /etc/migration-results file. For a user flow like: leapp preupgrade && leapp upgrade && reboot there should be 5 new entries in the file: 1. leapp preupgrade 2. leapp upgrade (Source OS) 3. leapp upgrade (Initram Phase - Until including RPM transaction) 4. leapp upgrade (Initram Phase - Post RPM Transaction) 5. leapp upgrade (Target OS - First Boot) Depending on future design changes of the IPU Worklow, the output may vary. """ @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): breadcrumbs = _BreadCrumbs(activity=f.__name__) try: return f(*args, breadcrumbs=breadcrumbs, **kwargs) except SystemExit as e: if e.code != 0: raise except BaseException: raise finally: return wrapper