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An Ansible role that configures a Koji builder.
## Variables
| Variable | Default value | Type | Description | Required |
| -------- | ------------- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| koji_domain_name | | str | Koji server domain name. | yes |
| koji_kerberos_realm | | str | Koji Kerberos realm. | yes |
| koji_builder_git_server_url | "" | str | Sources git server domain name. | no |
| koji_builder_storage_url | "" | str | Sources storage domain name. | no |
| koji_builder_storage_proto | "http" | str | Sources storage protocol. | no |
| koji_builder_ca_cert_path | "/mnt/koji/koji-ca.crt" | str | Koji CA certificate path. | no |
| koji_builder_principal | "compile/{{ koji_domain_name }}@{{ koji_kerberos_realm }}" | str | Koji builder Kerberos principal. | no |
| koji_builder_keytab | "/etc/kojid/kojid.keytab" | str | Koji builder Kerberos keytab file path. | no |
| koji_builder_nfs_mount | true | bool | Mount /mnt/koji via NFS if true, use local directory otherwise. | no |
| koji_builder_distribution | MSVSphere | str | RPM distribution macros. | no |
| koji_builder_packager | MSVSphere | str | RPM packager macros. | no |
| koji_builder_vendor | MSVSphere | str | RPM vendor macros. | no |
## Example playbook
- hosts: all
- role:
koji_domain_name: 'koji.msvsphere.test'
koji_builder_nfs_mount: false
koji_kerberos_realm: 'MSVSPHERE.TEST'
koji_builder_ca_cert_path: '/etc/pki/koji/koji-ca.crt'
## License
## Authors
* [Eugene Zamriy](