#!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright 2010-2017, OpenNebula Systems # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # # a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if [ -z "${TARGET}" ]; then echo 'Error: env. variable TARGET not set' >&2 exit 1 fi set -e source targets.sh set +e ### if [ -z "${RELEASE}" ]; then if git describe --contains $(git rev-parse HEAD) &>/dev/null; then RELEASE=1 else DATE=${DATE:-$(date +%Y%m%d)} GIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) RELEASE="0.${DATE}git${GIT}" fi fi ### VERSION=${VERSION:-5.7.80} RELEASE=${RELEASE:-1} MAINTAINER=${MAINTAINER:-OpenNebula Systems } LICENSE=${LICENSE:-Apache 2.0} VENDOR=${VENDOR:-OpenNebula Systems} SUMMARY="OpenNebula Contextualization Package" DESC=" Contextualization tools for the virtual machine running in the OpenNebula cloud. Based on parameters provided by the cloud controller configures the networking, initial user password, SSH keys, runs custom start scripts, resizes the root filesystem, and provides tools to communicate with OneGate service. Check the OpenNebula web page (http://opennebula.org) to get the support. " DESCRIPTION=${DESCRIPTION:-$DESC} URL=${URL:-http://opennebula.org} RELEASE_FULL="${RELEASE}${RELSUFFIX}" EXT="${EXT:-${TYPE}}" if [ "${TYPE}" = 'deb' ]; then FILENAME="${NAME}_${VERSION}-${RELEASE_FULL}.${EXT}" elif [ "${TYPE}" = 'apk' ]; then RELEASE_FULL="r${RELEASE_FULL}" FILENAME="${NAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE_FULL}.${EXT}" elif [ "${TARGET}" = 'arch' ]; then FILENAME="${NAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE_FULL}-any.${EXT}" elif [ "${TARGET}" = 'freebsd' ]; then FILENAME="${NAME}-${VERSION}_${RELEASE_FULL}.${EXT}" elif [ "${TYPE}" = 'iso' ]; then LABEL="${NAME}-${VERSION}" FILENAME="${NAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE_FULL}.${EXT}" else FILENAME="${NAME}-${VERSION}-${RELEASE_FULL}.noarch.${EXT}" fi ### set -e UNAME_PATH=$(mktemp -d) BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d) _POSTIN=$(mktemp) _PREUN=$(mktemp) _POSTUN=$(mktemp) _POSTUP=$(mktemp) trap "rm -rf ${UNAME_PATH} ${BUILD_DIR} ${_POSTIN} ${_PREUN} ${_POSTUN} ${_POSTUP}" EXIT while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' SRC; do F_TAGS=${SRC##*##} if [ "x${SRC}" != "x${F_TAGS}" ]; then for F_TAG in $(echo ${F_TAGS} | sed -e 's/\./ /g'); do for TAG in ${TAGS}; do if [ "${F_TAG}" = "${TAG}" ]; then continue 2 # tag matches, continue with next tag fi done continue 2 # tags not maching, skip this file done fi # file matches DST=${SRC%##*} #strip tags mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/$(dirname "${DST}")" cp "src/${SRC}" "${BUILD_DIR}/${DST}" done < <(cd src/ && find . -type f -print0) for F in $@; do cp -r "$F" "${BUILD_DIR}/" done # fix permissions and set umask for fpm find "${BUILD_DIR}/" -perm -u+r -exec chmod go+r {} \; find "${BUILD_DIR}/" -perm -u+x -exec chmod go+x {} \; umask 0022 # cleanup if [ -z "${OUT}" ]; then OUT="out/${FILENAME}" mkdir -p $(dirname "${OUT}") rm -rf "${OUT}" fi # Mocked 'uname' to fake FreeBSD on Linux build systems. # Otherwise FPM places Linux identification into TXZ packages. if [ "${TYPE}" = 'freebsd' ] && [ ! -x /bin/freebsd-version ]; then cat - <"${UNAME_PATH}/uname" #!/bin/sh [ "\$1" = '-s' ] && echo 'FreeBSD' [ "\$1" = '-r' ] && echo '12.0-RELEASE' EOF chmod +x "${UNAME_PATH}/uname" export PATH="${UNAME_PATH}:${PATH}" fi if [ "${TYPE}" = 'dir' ]; then cp -rT "${BUILD_DIR}" "${OUT}" elif [ "${TYPE}" = 'iso' ]; then mkisofs -J -R -input-charset utf8 \ -m '*.iso' \ -V "${LABEL}" \ -o "${OUT}" \ $(dirname "${OUT}") else CONFIG_FILES=$(cd "${BUILD_DIR}" && \ find etc/ \ ! -path 'etc/one-context.d/*' \ ! -path 'etc/init*' \ -type f -printf '--config-files %p ') # concatenate pre/postinstall scripts if [ -n "${POSTIN}" ]; then cat ${POSTIN} >"${_POSTIN}" fi if [ -n "${PREUN}" ]; then cat ${PREUN} >"${_PREUN}" fi if [ -n "${POSTUN}" ]; then cat ${POSTUN} >"${_POSTUN}" fi if [ -n "${POSTUP}" ]; then cat ${POSTUP} >"${_POSTUP}" fi fpm --name "${NAME}" --version "${VERSION}" --iteration "${RELEASE_FULL}" \ --architecture all --license "${LICENSE}" \ --vendor "${VENDOR}" --maintainer "${MAINTAINER}" \ --description "${DESCRIPTION}" --url "${URL}" \ --output-type "${TYPE}" --input-type dir --chdir "${BUILD_DIR}" \ ${POSTIN:+ --after-install ${_POSTIN}} \ ${POSTUP:+ --after-upgrade ${_POSTUP}} \ ${PREUN:+ --before-remove ${_PREUN}} \ ${POSTUN:+ --after-remove ${_POSTUN}} \ --rpm-os linux \ --rpm-summary "${SUMMARY}" \ ${DEPENDS:+ --depends ${DEPENDS// / --depends }} \ ${REPLACES:+ --replaces ${REPLACES// / --replaces }} \ ${CONFLICTS:+ --conflicts ${CONFLICTS// / --conflicts }} \ ${PROVIDES:+ --provides ${PROVIDES// / --provides }} \ --deb-no-default-config-files \ --pacman-user 0 \ --pacman-group 0 \ ${CONFIG_FILES} \ --package "${OUT}" fi echo $(basename ${OUT})