#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'uri' require 'net/https' require 'json' require 'pp' ############################################################################### # The CloudClient module contains general functionality to implement a # Cloud Client ############################################################################### module CloudClient # OpenNebula version VERSION = '4.14.0' # ######################################################################### # Default location for the authentication file # ######################################################################### DEFAULT_AUTH_FILE = ENV["HOME"]+"/.one/one_auth" # ######################################################################### # Gets authorization credentials from ONE_AUTH or default # auth file. # # Raises an error if authorization is not found # ######################################################################### def self.get_one_auth if ENV["ONE_AUTH"] and !ENV["ONE_AUTH"].empty? and File.file?(ENV["ONE_AUTH"]) one_auth=File.read(ENV["ONE_AUTH"]).strip.split(':') elsif File.file?(DEFAULT_AUTH_FILE) one_auth=File.read(DEFAULT_AUTH_FILE).strip.split(':') else raise "No authorization data present" end raise "Authorization data malformed" if one_auth.length < 2 one_auth end # ######################################################################### # Starts an http connection and calls the block provided. SSL flag # is set if needed. # ######################################################################### def self.http_start(url, timeout, &block) host = nil port = nil if ENV['http_proxy'] uri_proxy = URI.parse(ENV['http_proxy']) host = uri_proxy.host port = uri_proxy.port end http = Net::HTTP::Proxy(host, port).new(url.host, url.port) if timeout http.read_timeout = timeout.to_i end if url.scheme=='https' http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode=OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end begin res = http.start do |connection| block.call(connection) end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e str = "Error connecting to server (#{e.to_s}).\n" str << "Server: #{url.host}:#{url.port}" return CloudClient::Error.new(str,"503") rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT => e str = "Error timeout connecting to server (#{e.to_s}).\n" str << "Server: #{url.host}:#{url.port}" return CloudClient::Error.new(str,"504") rescue Timeout::Error => e str = "Error timeout while connected to server (#{e.to_s}).\n" str << "Server: #{url.host}:#{url.port}" return CloudClient::Error.new(str,"504") rescue SocketError => e str = "Error timeout while connected to server (#{e.to_s}).\n" return CloudClient::Error.new(str,"503") rescue return CloudClient::Error.new($!.to_s,"503") end if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) res else CloudClient::Error.new(res.body, res.code) end end # ######################################################################### # The Error Class represents a generic error in the Cloud Client # library. It contains a readable representation of the error. # ######################################################################### class Error attr_reader :message attr_reader :code # +message+ a description of the error def initialize(message=nil, code="500") @message=message @code=code end def to_s() @message end end # ######################################################################### # Returns true if the object returned by a method of the OpenNebula # library is an Error # ######################################################################### def self.is_error?(value) value.class==CloudClient::Error end end module OneGate module VirtualMachine VM_STATE=%w{INIT PENDING HOLD ACTIVE STOPPED SUSPENDED DONE FAILED POWEROFF UNDEPLOYED} LCM_STATE=%w{LCM_INIT PROLOG BOOT RUNNING MIGRATE SAVE_STOP SAVE_SUSPEND SAVE_MIGRATE PROLOG_MIGRATE PROLOG_RESUME EPILOG_STOP EPILOG SHUTDOWN CANCEL FAILURE CLEANUP_RESUBMIT UNKNOWN HOTPLUG SHUTDOWN_POWEROFF BOOT_UNKNOWN BOOT_POWEROFF BOOT_SUSPENDED BOOT_STOPPED CLEANUP_DELETE HOTPLUG_SNAPSHOT HOTPLUG_NIC HOTPLUG_SAVEAS HOTPLUG_SAVEAS_POWEROFF HOTPLUG_SAVEAS_SUSPENDED SHUTDOWN_UNDEPLOY EPILOG_UNDEPLOY PROLOG_UNDEPLOY BOOT_UNDEPLOY} SHORT_VM_STATES={ "INIT" => "init", "PENDING" => "pend", "HOLD" => "hold", "ACTIVE" => "actv", "STOPPED" => "stop", "SUSPENDED" => "susp", "DONE" => "done", "FAILED" => "fail", "POWEROFF" => "poff", "UNDEPLOYED"=> "unde" } SHORT_LCM_STATES={ "PROLOG" => "prol", "BOOT" => "boot", "RUNNING" => "runn", "MIGRATE" => "migr", "SAVE_STOP" => "save", "SAVE_SUSPEND" => "save", "SAVE_MIGRATE" => "save", "PROLOG_MIGRATE" => "migr", "PROLOG_RESUME" => "prol", "EPILOG_STOP" => "epil", "EPILOG" => "epil", "SHUTDOWN" => "shut", "CANCEL" => "shut", "FAILURE" => "fail", "CLEANUP_RESUBMIT" => "clea", "UNKNOWN" => "unkn", "HOTPLUG" => "hotp", "SHUTDOWN_POWEROFF" => "shut", "BOOT_UNKNOWN" => "boot", "BOOT_POWEROFF" => "boot", "BOOT_SUSPENDED" => "boot", "BOOT_STOPPED" => "boot", "CLEANUP_DELETE" => "clea", "HOTPLUG_SNAPSHOT" => "snap", "HOTPLUG_NIC" => "hotp", "HOTPLUG_SAVEAS" => "hotp", "HOTPLUG_SAVEAS_POWEROFF" => "hotp", "HOTPLUG_SAVEAS_SUSPENDED" => "hotp", "SHUTDOWN_UNDEPLOY" => "shut", "EPILOG_UNDEPLOY" => "epil", "PROLOG_UNDEPLOY" => "prol", "BOOT_UNDEPLOY" => "boot" } def self.state_to_str(id, lcm_id) id = id.to_i state_str = VM_STATE[id] if state_str=="ACTIVE" lcm_id = lcm_id.to_i return LCM_STATE[lcm_id] end return state_str end def self.print(json_hash) OneGate.print_header("VM " + json_hash["VM"]["ID"]) OneGate.print_key_value("NAME", json_hash["VM"]["NAME"]) OneGate.print_key_value( "STATE", self.state_to_str( json_hash["VM"]["STATE"], json_hash["VM"]["LCM_STATE"])) vm_nics = [json_hash['VM']['TEMPLATE']['NIC']].flatten vm_nics.each { |nic| # TODO: IPv6 OneGate.print_key_value("IP", nic["IP"]) } end end module Service STATE = { 'PENDING' => 0, 'DEPLOYING' => 1, 'RUNNING' => 2, 'UNDEPLOYING' => 3, 'WARNING' => 4, 'DONE' => 5, 'FAILED_UNDEPLOYING' => 6, 'FAILED_DEPLOYING' => 7, 'SCALING' => 8, 'FAILED_SCALING' => 9, 'COOLDOWN' => 10 } STATE_STR = [ 'PENDING', 'DEPLOYING', 'RUNNING', 'UNDEPLOYING', 'WARNING', 'DONE', 'FAILED_UNDEPLOYING', 'FAILED_DEPLOYING', 'SCALING', 'FAILED_SCALING', 'COOLDOWN' ] # Returns the string representation of the service state # @param [String] state String number representing the state # @return the state string def self.state_str(state_number) return STATE_STR[state_number.to_i] end def self.print(json_hash) OneGate.print_header("SERVICE " + json_hash["SERVICE"]["id"]) OneGate.print_key_value("NAME", json_hash["SERVICE"]["name"]) OneGate.print_key_value("STATE", Service.state_str(json_hash["SERVICE"]['state'])) puts roles = [json_hash['SERVICE']['roles']].flatten roles.each { |role| OneGate.print_header("ROLE " + role["name"], false) if role["nodes"] role["nodes"].each{ |node| OneGate::VirtualMachine.print(node["vm_info"]) } end puts } end end class Client def initialize(opts={}) @vmid = ENV["VMID"] @token = ENV["TOKENTXT"] url = opts[:url] || ENV['ONEGATE_ENDPOINT'] @uri = URI.parse(url) @user_agent = "OpenNebula #{CloudClient::VERSION} " << "(#{opts[:user_agent]||"Ruby"})" @host = nil @port = nil if ENV['http_proxy'] uri_proxy = URI.parse(ENV['http_proxy']) @host = uri_proxy.host @port = uri_proxy.port end end def get(path) req = Net::HTTP::Proxy(@host, @port)::Get.new(path) do_request(req) end def delete(path) req =Net::HTTP::Proxy(@host, @port)::Delete.new(path) do_request(req) end def post(path, body) req = Net::HTTP::Proxy(@host, @port)::Post.new(path) req.body = body do_request(req) end def put(path, body) req = Net::HTTP::Proxy(@host, @port)::Put.new(path) req.body = body do_request(req) end def login req = Net::HTTP::Proxy(@host, @port)::Post.new('/login') do_request(req) end def logout req = Net::HTTP::Proxy(@host, @port)::Post.new('/logout') do_request(req) end private def do_request(req) req.basic_auth @username, @password req['User-Agent'] = @user_agent req['X-ONEGATE-TOKEN'] = @token req['X-ONEGATE-VMID'] = @vmid res = CloudClient::http_start(@uri, @timeout) do |http| http.request(req) end res end end def self.parse_json(response) if CloudClient::is_error?(response) puts "ERROR: " puts response.message exit -1 else return JSON.parse(response.body) end end # Sets bold font def self.scr_bold print "\33[1m" end # Sets underline def self.scr_underline print "\33[4m" end # Restore normal font def self.scr_restore print "\33[0m" end # Print header def self.print_header(str, underline=true) if $stdout.tty? scr_bold scr_underline if underline print "%-80s" % str scr_restore else print str end puts end def self.print_key_value(key, value) puts "%-20s: %-20s" % [key, value] end def self.help_str return <<-EOT Available commands $ onegate vm show [VMID] [--json] $ onegate vm update [VMID] --data KEY=VALUE[\\nKEY2=VALUE2] $ onegate vm ACTION VMID $ onegate resume [VMID] $ onegate stop [VMID] $ onegate suspend [VMID] $ onegate delete [VMID] [--hard] $ onegate shutdown [VMID] [--hard] $ onegate reboot [VMID] [--hard] $ onegate poweroff [VMID] [--hard] $ onegate resubmit [VMID] $ onegate resched [VMID] $ onegate unresched [VMID] $ onegate hold [VMID] $ onegate release [VMID] $ onegate service show [--json] $ onegate service scale --role ROLE --cardinality CARDINALITY EOT end end require 'optparse' options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on("-d", "--data DATA", "Data to be included in the VM") do |data| options[:data] = data end opts.on("-r", "--role ROLE", "Service role") do |role| options[:role] = role end opts.on("-c", "--cardinality CARD", "Service cardinality") do |cardinality| options[:cardinality] = cardinality end opts.on("-j", "--json", "Print resource information in JSON") do |json| options[:json] = json end opts.on("-f", "--hard", "Hard option for power off operations") do |hard| options[:hard] = hard end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts OneGate.help_str exit end end.parse! client = OneGate::Client.new() case ARGV[0] when "vm" case ARGV[1] when "show" if ARGV[2] response = client.get("/vms/"+ARGV[2]) else response = client.get("/vm") end json_hash = OneGate.parse_json(response) if options[:json] puts JSON.pretty_generate(json_hash) else OneGate::VirtualMachine.print(json_hash) end when "update" if !options[:data] puts "You have to provide the data as a param (--data)" exit -1 end if ARGV[2] response = client.put("/vms/"+ARGV[2], options[:data]) else response = client.put("/vm", options[:data]) end if CloudClient::is_error?(response) puts "ERROR: " puts response.message exit -1 end when "resume", "stop", "suspend", "delete", "shutdown", "reboot", "poweroff", "resubmit", "resched", "unresched", "hold", "release" if ARGV[2] action_hash = { "action" => { "perform" => ARGV[1] } } if options[:hard] action_hash["action"]["params"] = true end response = client.post("/vms/"+ARGV[2]+"/action", action_hash.to_json) if CloudClient::is_error?(response) puts "ERROR: " puts response.message exit -1 end else puts "You have to provide a VM ID" exit -1 end else puts OneGate.help_str puts puts "Action #{ARGV[1]} not supported" exit -1 end when "service" case ARGV[1] when "show" response = client.get("/service") json_hash = OneGate.parse_json(response) #pp json_hash if options[:json] puts JSON.pretty_generate(json_hash) else OneGate::Service.print(json_hash) end when "scale" response = client.put( "/service/role/" + options[:role], { :cardinality => options[:cardinality] }.to_json) if CloudClient::is_error?(response) puts "ERROR: " puts response.message exit -1 end else puts OneGate.help_str puts puts "Action #{ARGV[1]} not supported" exit -1 end else puts OneGate.help_str exit -1 end