#!/bin/bash # Author: Christoph Galuschka t_Log "Running $0 - verify iptables can insert and delete rules" if [ "$centos_ver" -ge "7" ];then t_Log "CentOS $centos_ver uses firewalld and not iptables -> SKIP" t_CheckExitStatus 0 exit 0 fi ACL='INPUT -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT' FILE=/var/tmp/iptables_acl # verify we are starting with default firewall /etc/init.d/iptables restart > /dev/null iptables -I ${ACL} iptables-save > ${FILE} # The ACL should be exactly at line 6 after "OUTPUT ACCEPT" head -6 ${FILE} |tail -1 | grep -q "${ACL}" add=$? # removing ACL again iptables -D ${ACL} iptables-save > ${FILE} # ACL should not be found grep -cq "${ACL}" ${FILE} del=$? if [ $add==0 ] && [ $del==1 ] then ret_val=0 fi t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val # Cleaning up /bin/rm ${FILE}