#!/bin/bash # Author: James Hogarth # if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -qE 'el(6|7)') && !(t_GetArch | grep -qE 'aarch64') then t_Log "Running $0 - setting hostname of system" eth_int=$(ip addr|grep -B 1 "link/ether"|head -n 1|awk '{print $2}'|tr -d ':') eth_ip=$(ip -4 addr show dev $eth_int | awk '$0 ~ /scope global/ {print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f 1) if [ "$centos_ver" = "7" ] ; then hostnamectl set-hostname c6test.c6ipa.local else hostname c6test.c6ipa.local fi echo $eth_ip $(hostname) >> /etc/hosts hostname | grep "c6test.c6ipa.local" &> /dev/null t_CheckExitStatus $? t_Log "Running $0 - Configuring IPA server - this can take some time" ipa-server-install -U --hostname=c6test.c6ipa.local --ip-address=$eth_ip -r C6IPA.LOCAL -n c6ipa.local -p p455w0rd -a p455w0rd --ssh-trust-dns --setup-dns --forwarder=$(awk '$0 ~ /nameserver/ {print $2}' /etc/resolv.conf | head -n 1) t_CheckExitStatus $? t_Log "Running $0 - Enabling mkhomedir" authconfig --enablemkhomedir --enablesssd --update t_CheckExitStatus $? if /sbin/service sssd status | grep 'is stopped' &> /dev/null then /sbin/service sssd start &> /dev/null fi else echo "Skipped on CentOS 5 and AArch64" fi