#!/bin/sh # Author: Christoph Galuschka t_Log "Running $0 - Create PDF from postscript from text, and convert PDF back to text and check contents" if [ "$centos_ver" = "5" ] ;then FILE=/etc/redhat-release else FILE=/etc/centos-release fi FIND='CentOS' PS_FILE=/var/tmp/test.ps PDF_FILE=/var/tmp/test.pdf TEST_FILE=/var/tmp/result # generate postscript file enscript -q -p $PS_FILE $FILE # check-file t_Log 'Check created PS-File' grep -q $FIND $PS_FILE t_CheckExitStatus $? # convert to PDF ps2pdf $PS_FILE $PDF_FILE # read file and check pdftotext -q $PDF_FILE $TEST_FILE t_Log 'Check Textfile after conversion' grep -q $FIND $TEST_FILE t_CheckExitStatus $? #clean up rm -rf $PDF_FILE $TEST_FILE $PS_FILE