#!/bin/sh # Author: Christoph Galuschka <christoph.galuschka@chello.at> # Athmane Madjoudj <athmanem@gmail.com> t_Log "Running $0 - iptables functional check - deny ping on loopback" if [ "$centos_ver" -ge 7 ];then t_Log "CentOS $centos_ver uses firewalld and not iptables -> SKIP" t_CheckExitStatus 0 exit 0 fi ACL='INPUT -s -d -p icmp -m icmp -j REJECT' COUNT='4' DEADTIME='1' # ensure we have the default iptables-setting #/etc/init.d/iptables restart > /dev/null service iptables restart # Verify it worked previously ping -q -c $COUNT -i 0.25 |grep -qc "${COUNT} received" if [ $? == 1 ] then t_Log "ping to loopback failed prior to test, this should not happen" t_CheckExitStatus 1 fi # Applying ACL iptables -I ${ACL} ping -q -c $COUNT -i 0.25 -w $DEADTIME > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? == 1 ] then t_Log "iptables REJECT works fine" ret_val=0 else ret_val=1 fi # cleanup service iptables restart #/etc/init.d/iptables restart > /dev/null t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val