#!/bin/bash # Author: Alice Kaerast t_Log "$0 - test wc output" cat << EOF > /var/tmp/wc-test 1 2 3 4 5 6 EOF # file should have 3 lines, 12 bytes, 12 characters, max line length of 3, and 6 words wc -l /var/tmp/wc-test | grep -q 3 && wc -c /var/tmp/wc-test | grep -q 12 && wc -m /var/tmp/wc-test | grep -q 12 && wc -L /var/tmp/wc-test | grep -q 3 && wc -w /var/tmp/wc-test | grep -q 6 t_CheckExitStatus $? # Cleanup rm /var/tmp/wc-test