#!/bin/sh # Author: Christoph Galuschka if [ "$CONTAINERTEST" -eq "1" ]; then t_Log "Running in container -> SKIP" exit 0 fi t_Log "Running $0 - create VLAN IF, assign IP on VLAN IF and tear down VLAN IF using IP command test (not on C5)" ret_val=0 if [ $centos_ver -lt 6 ] then t_Log ' This is a C5 system, skipping test' exit 0 fi t_Log 'This is no C5-system, commencing test' export eth_int=$(ip addr|grep -B 1 "link/ether"|head -n 1|awk '{print $2}'|tr -d ':') # create VLAN-IF 10 on ethernet device ip link add dev ${eth_int}.10 link ${eth_int} type vlan id 10 ip addr list | grep -q ${eth_int}.10 if [ $? == 1 ] then t_Log "VLAN-IF creation failed" ret_val=1 else t_Log "VLAN-IF successfully created" fi #assign IP address on VLAN-IF ip address add dev ${eth_int}.10 ip addr list | grep -q if [ $? == 1 ] then t_Log "IP address assignment on ${eth_int}.10 failed" ret_val=1 else t_Log "IP address successfully assigned on ${eth_int}.10" fi #testing address with ping ping -c 4 -q | grep -q '4 received' if [ $? == 1 ] then t_Log "pinging on ${eth_int}.10 failed" ret_val=1 else t_Log "local ping on VLAN IF worked" fi # delete VLAN-IF 10 on ethernet interface ip link delete ${eth_int}.10 ip addr list | grep -q ${eth_int}.10 if [ $? == 0 ] then t_Log "Removing VLAN IF failed" ret_val=1 else t_Log "Removing of VLAN IF worked" fi t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val