#!/bin/bash # Author: Pratima Singh , Nilesh Bairagi , Madhurranjan Mohaan # Christoph Galuschka t_Log "Running $0 - testing git logging and commit messages" if [ $centos_ver -ge 6 ] then # Testing git log and git commit msgs workpath=$(pwd) rm -rf /tmp/temprepo/ /tmp/cloned_repo/ temp_repo="/tmp/temprepo" mkdir -p $temp_repo cd $temp_repo git init . --bare cd /tmp git clone $temp_repo cloned_repo cd cloned_repo git config user.email "centos@centos.org" git config user.name "t_functional tests" echo "hello world" > hello git add hello git commit -m "Temp commit" 2>&1 git log --grep="Temp commit" 2>&1 ret_val=$? cd $workpath else t_Log "This test is skipped in CentOS5." ret_val=0 fi t_CheckExitStatus $ret_val